Friday, 3 June 2011

Welcome to the Free Mohammed Hamid Campaign

News: 22/02/13: Added poems written by Muhammed Hamid and a poem written by Dave Palmer.  Read more poems by Muhammed on the About Muhammed page.

JUSTICE, A Poem by Muhammed Hamid

Truth is a lie
Lie is a truth
Pinnochio is our friend
For we have a name
Have a itchy nose
For its so long
To speak the truth
For its a crime
Today is the 21st century
No-one accepts the right
Truth hurts, Truth is bitter
Never mind tell a lie, just to get by
For freedom is the heart
For Fear never to tell a lie
Our destiny is our truth

- Muhammed Hamid

Write to Mohammed Hamid for 04.10.11

Mohammed Hamid is one of the many victims of Britain’s ‘war on terror’ languishing in prison. He was arrested, along with fourteen other men, in the wake of the 2005 London bombings and charged with ‘providing terrorist training’. On 26th February 2008 Hamid was found guilty of ‘providing terrorist training’ and ‘soliciting murder’ and sentenced to an ‘indeterminate sentence for public protection’ with a tariff (minimum term) of seven years, after which he will only be released if the Parole Board declares he is sufficiently low risk to be freed.

Mohammed Hamid - A Miscarriage of Justice (Short Version)
A longer version of this film with additional detail about
the miscarriage of justice that has resulted in Mohammed
Hamid's imprisonment, can be found on the FMHC Media Page.

Along with other supporters, Mohammed’s daughter Yasmin has launched a campaign to demand freedom for her father.

Articles and information about the case of Mohammed Hamid will be added in due course. In the meantime, please use the links at at the top of the page and below to find out more about the campaign and its aims.

Please show your support for the fight against this miscarriage of justice and sign the Free Mohammed Hamid Petition.


  1. Thank you for caring.

  2. May Allah keep him steadfast and Allahs justice will prevail not ignorant ungrateful mans
